The St Margaret pilgrimage returns this year with a celebratory procession through the streets of Dunfermline.

There will be the singing of hymns and the spectacle of the holy relic of the saint carried at the head of the procession by Leo Cushley, the Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh, on Sunday June 23.

It is the first time since 2019 that the procession has been a part of the event, which had a hiatus due to the pandemic before returning last year.

Dunfermline Press: The St Margaret pilgrimage procession in Dunfermline last took place in 2019.The St Margaret pilgrimage procession in Dunfermline last took place in 2019. (Image: Paul McSherry)

The pilgrimage itself has a history stretching back over 750 years and it's expected to draw hundreds of people to the ancient capital.

Archbishop Cushley said: “St Margaret's influence and legacy is extraordinary and much of her work was done in the historic capital of Dunfermline.

"Her virtue and holiness helped transform not just her own family but the life of the nation for the next thousand years.

"We’re looking forward to the return of the procession which is a much loved part of the day and a chance to honour in public the Pearl of Scotland.”

Dunfermline Press: Pilgrims have the chance to receive a blessing with a first class relic of St Margaret.Pilgrims have the chance to receive a blessing with a first class relic of St Margaret. (Image: Paul McSherry.)

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Hundreds of Catholics will walk alongside pupils, nuns, priests and major Catholic organisations such as the Knights of St Columba, the Order of Malta and the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre.

The procession will take place at 2pm from the Louise Carnegie Gates at Pittencrieff Park, at the bottom of Bridge Street.

Dunfermline Press: The famous Dunfermline singer, Barbara Dickson, did a reading at the pilgrimage in 2019. The famous Dunfermline singer, Barbara Dickson, did a reading at the pilgrimage in 2019. (Image: Paul McSherry.)

It heads up through the High Street to St Margaret’s Memorial Church in East Port where mass will be celebrated.

Prior to that an ecumenical prayer service will be held at the tomb of St Margaret at the historic Dunfermline Abbey at 12.30pm.