The volunteers with Dunfermline’s peacocks are reflecting on the second anniversary of the horrific attack that resulted in the death of one of their birds.

As previously reported in the Press, on May 30, 2022, the aviary in Pittencrieff Park was broken into and one of the peacocks, Malcolm, was beaten to death.

Louis was also seriously injured in the attack and suffered extensive injuries to his leg and neck.

The volunteers posted on their Facebook page last night: “Oh how I have pondered over what to write in this post. Today marks the second anniversary of Malcolm’s death.

"Our lives have moved on, and birds have come and gone.

“The sanctuary has undergone massive changes in the last two years, all for the better.

"Better for the birds, better for us and better for our amazing community. But the pain and loss is there, it drives us, it pushes us to do everything we can, for the birds we love and adore."

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There was a collective outrage about the attack on the aviary and in the aftermath the people of Dunfermline and beyond raised more than £16,000. 

A memorial garden was one of the new additions, as well as added security measures. 

Police identified two boys, aged 11 and 13, in connection with the attack. 

They were reported to the Children’s Hearing System.

The volunteers went on: “I do not want this post to stir up animosity, I don’t want arguments or bad feelings, we have enough and although it’s difficult to see past the way he died, we want him remembered for the beautiful, calm and loving boy he was.

“We want to think of the amazing legacy he has left behind and we want to think of Louis, his fighting spirit and his loving need for cake.

"He’s a dad, to six new babies, six new lives that we love and cherish already and he’s absolutely thriving.

Dunfermline Press: Some of the sanctuary's newest arrivals!Some of the sanctuary's newest arrivals! (Image: Carlyn Cane)

“We want to think of the community spirit, of the love that was shown and good that has been done, not the bad.

“We have had a bench commissioned, that will be in place for Saturday, so come and see it, take a moment to enjoy the tranquillity - if the birds shut up! - and come and see us all.

"Your love and support are much appreciated.”