A FIVE-DAY school holiday meal provision will now be provided in Rosyth during the summer break.

Cafe Inc is a free lunch club for children and young people which provides healthy and tasty meals and is organised by Fife Council, and provided with help from partner organisations.

It runs during school holidays and there's no need to book.

Rosyth councillor Brian Goodall confirmed: "It’s now confirmed that there will be five day a week, hot and cold lunch Cafe Inc. provision based at Kings Road Primary School for all seven weeks of this year’s summer holidays.

“As you may know, in the past I’ve had to fight to get Rosyth even this basic level of provision, so I’m really pleased with the effort that’s gone in to making this happen, particularly from the area manager.”

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Earlier this year, Cllr Goodall was frustrated after learning that Cafe Inc was only going to run for one day a week in Rosyth during the Easter break. 

However, a rethink meant this was changed and the club ran for five days and it will do so again when the schools finish for the summer.  

Discussions are still ongoing about whether Café Inc provision will be delivered via EATS Rosyth will be on a one or two day a week basis.

“The team at EATS always do an amazing job with any Cafe Inc. funding they get and I’m sure they’ll deliver something extra special again for this summer,” Cllr Goodall added.

Fife Council confirmed that Cafe Inc will run for five days a week during the holidays at Kings Road PS with the exception of the public holiday on Monday July 15.