STRIKE action at Fife College has been averted after support staff accepted the latest pay deal, union officials have confirmed 

It comes after a dispute lasting almost two years which saw librarians, IT specialists, administrators, cleaners, canteen and estate management workers take industrial action across the country.

Support staff at 21 colleges, including Fife, have now voted to accept a three-year pay deal, says Unison.

Their further education branch secretary, Chris Greenshields, said: “This result would not have been reached without the resolve of Unison’s members working in colleges.

"It took nearly two years of industrial action and the threat of strikes during exam periods to secure these concessions."

The deal gives a flat-rate increase of £5,000, paid in instalments over three years, with a guarantee of no compulsory redundancies until September 2024.

This is the first time there has been such a guarantee in the sector, says the union.

READ MORE: Fife College staff set to strike over pay dispute

Mr Greenshields continued: “If the employers had accepted Unison's similar proposals made last year, there would have been no need for industrial action.

"The Scottish Government must learn lessons from this.”

In December, college staff represented by Unison voted overwhelmingly in favour of a continuation of strike action in their campaign for fair pay and job security.

However, with the acceptance of this revised offer, strikes will now be called off.

READ MORE: Fife College under fire after staff warned over boycott

Unison Scotland's further education branch chair, Collette Bradley, added: “Colleges should be in absolutely no doubt that if they push through job cuts then there’ll be a swift return to the chaos of industrial action and strikes.”