CONCERNS have been raised regarding "issues" with the timetabling of classes at Inverkeithing High.

A letter went out to parents and admitted that the school was unable to move forward onto the new schedules on the planned date of Tuesday (June 4).

The delay - and there was no indication how long it will last - would mean that students could be doing work for classes that they won't be taking when the new academic year starts after the summer holidays. 

The letter from headteacher, Mr Ian Adair, said: "As you may be aware from discussions with your child, we are currently working through issues with the timetable for session 2024/2025." 

He said the issues "will unfortunately prevent us moving to a new timetable" as planned.

Mr Adair added: "We have discussed our situation with Fife Council and they are providing us with support in order to resolve these issues."

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One parent, who wanted to remain anonymous, said: "They are basically saying that they may now not get their subject choices and they will stick to the original timetables.

"They will do the next year's work, even in classes they may not be doing as a subject next year, which is a total waste of time, and then missing out on learning time on new subjects they may have picked.

"It's a complete shambles."

The process that the school is currently going through is pupil course choice checks for S2, S3, S4, and S5.

Once those checks are complete the school will be able to confirm whether classes are able to run and staffing requirements.

Construction of the timetable will then continue.

Karen Lees, education manager at the council, said:  "We're working to have our new timetable in place ahead of the summer holidays. 

"Learning continues in the meantime with S2, S3 and S4 pupils following their existing timetables and S5 and S6 pupils taking part in a senior school induction programme, with relevant learning activities included as part of that."