AFTER hosting an array of musicals for over six decades, the current Woodmill High building will stage one final farewell show.

Ahead of the summer move to the Dunfermline Learning Campus, talented young performers will put on '13 The Musical' over three nights beginning on Wednesday (June 12).

Directed by students Ambrin Wilson and Euan Dorman, the show features a cast made up of first to sixth years.

Principal drama teacher Lala Tremmel said the audiences are in for a treat.

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"The last song in the show is titled 'A Brand New You' and we thought that was significant because we are going to be a brand new you," she said. "We are going into a brand new building, we are having a transition and I feel that is a significant line.

Dunfermline Press: Woodmill High pupils who are putting on 13 The Musical at the school next week.Woodmill High pupils who are putting on 13 The Musical at the school next week. (Image: ESPC)

"I look at the kids and think we are going to be brand new. After all we have been through with the fire and Covid and now we are moving to this brand new school, a beautiful purpose-built site and we going to be brand new.

"It is a really funny show. Parents will find it hilarious because it is all about teenagers and teenager popularity and all their challenges. It has got some hilarious lines and brilliant choreography and everything else."

Tickets are selling fast but some are still available by contacting the school office.