A HOUSING developer pulled plans to build 156 homes in Cairneyhill - and now they've come back with fresh proposals for 256 homes.

Avant Homes want to develop just under seven hectares of land south of Pitdinnie Farm and have now submitted their proposals to Fife Council.

They've already built 100 homes at Pitdinnie Grange and this would be phase two, with the intention to buy the site from landowner Robert Forrester, from the nearby Forrester Park Resort, once planning permission is granted.

Avant admit there are some "constraints", including existing flood zones to the south and west and Rushy Burn on the western boundary, but say there are also opportunities to provide a high quality development.

The plans for 156 homes were submitted in March 2021 but the council never gave any determination - they put off a decision and issued 11 extension of time requests - and eventually they were withdrawn.

The new proposals have added an extra 100 homes and a statement from Avant confirmed: "The revised design seeks to increase the total number of homes to 256.

"There is an acknowledged housing shortfall within Dunfermline and West Fife and the proposal will address identified gaps in housing provision whilst maximising potential use of the land.

"This is particularly relevant for the provision of affordable homes and a range of size of homes for families."

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The developer said that fitting in 24 homes per hectare was "suitable for the settlement" and there were a number of changes from the proposals submitted three years ago.

Houses would be two to two-and-a-half storeys in height and a variety of detached, semi-detached and terraced properties, from two-to five-bedrooms in size.

There would be 64 affordable homes for social rent and 192 homes for private sale.

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Vehicle access is proposed from Sunnyside Road and the plans also include a road bridge over the burn, traffic calming, parking courts, open space, 'character areas', landscaping and planting, pedestrian and cycle links, drainage, public art and a play area.

Avant's statement concluded: "The site will deliver a high-quality mix of new housing, as well as a 25 per cent on-site provision of affordable homes, in line with Fife Council’s expectations.

"New usable open space will provide valuable amenity areas for new and existing residents and landscape buffer planting will soften the impact of the development along the boundary to the south and west.

"Pedestrian connectivity will be greatly enhanced, and will enable connections to the north, south, east and west of the site, connecting to the wider core path network and enabling new safe routes to school."