A DALGETY Bay woman is preparing to abseil off the Forth Bridge to mark her 60th birthday, four years after the big day!

Lydia Lawson, 63, was meant to descend from the landmark in 2020 but the COVID-19 pandemic got in the way and it was cancelled.

Now she's is getting the chance to climb down the UNESCO World Heritage Site at one of Scotland’s largest fundraising events.

She will be completing her abseil this Sunday and said: “When the date came out for this year I thought I’m going to have to do it.

“I’ve never done anything like this before and I thought I’d challenge myself.

“I’m raising money for Chest, Heart & Stroke Scotland in memory of both my parents, Jim and Bunty Lawson. I’ve been raising money for CHSS since my dad died in 2002.

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“My dad suffered from heart and chest problems and my mum had died six years previously as a result of a stroke. So I thought this was the ideal charity, which I could support and do something in their memories.

“It was important to me that it is a Scottish charity and the money raised in Scotland stays in Scotland with CHSS.”

Lydia has taken part in a number of fundraising events for CHSS over the years and has raised more than £3,800.

Stephanie Wilks, community event and corporate fundraiser at CHSS, said: “Kind-hearted and brave fundraisers like Lydia help CHSS to support the one in five people across the country who are living with chest, heart, and stroke conditions and Long Covid to live their lives to the full.”

Anyone who wishes to make a donation can do so at www.chss.org.uk/supportus/donate .