A DUNFERMLINE councillor is taking on something new for her yearly challenge. 

Auxi Barrera, who represents Dunfermline North for the SNP, has been doing annual challenges for charity for the past few years and this year, she has decided to try something that she has never done before, she is going to abseil the Forth Bridge.

This year, her chosen charity is LoveOliver.

It's a charity that helps children in Scotland who are suffering from cancer, and their families. 

They provide specific thermometers and meals for families, they also have a hub in front of Edinburgh’s children's hospital where they celebrate key dates of the year like Easter, Hallowe'en and Christmas.

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Cllr Barrera told the Press: "As a mum of a young family it is important to sympathise with those that are going through difficult times and this charity has proven that they are worth supporting.”

The LoveOliver charity that started after Oliver, the founders’ son, passed away in 2010 from a very rare and aggressive form of cancer.

Cllr Barrera is supporting the charity by abseiling down the Forth Bridge (Image: Supplied)

He was diagnosed only a few days after being born and passed away at the age of 24 weeks, on Christmas day.

She added: “No parent should go through the death of their child; it’s admirable that these parents have found the strength to start a charity to support other children with cancer and their families after they lost their son.

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“I would really appreciate it if people could donate to this amazing cause so they can continue making a difference.”

Cllr Barrera will abseil down the Forth Rail Bridge on Sunday. To donate to her fundraiser and support LoveOliver, visit her JustGiving page.