THE power of music is helping dementia patients in Dunfermline to unlock precious memories and put a smile back on their faces.

A community mental health team at Queen Margaret Hospital is following in the tracks of Playlist for Life - a charity launched in the city by broadcaster Sally Magnusson in 2013 - to help sufferers. 

She started the organisation and wrote a book after the death of her mother, Mamie, who had dementia.

Nicola Hurst, community mental health nurse from the Fife Health and Social Care Partnership, said: “It’s been brilliant to see first hand how the playlists can help, the results have been remarkable for our older people who have taken part.

“One of my favourite examples is one of our male patients who lives at home who is transported back to the enjoyment of past holidays from just one of the songs – Sweet Caroline.

“Listening to his playlist reduces his agitation and gives him moments of happiness in his day."

Playlist for Life encourages family, friends, carers or healthcare staff to help those with dementia by selecting songs which hold a personal meaning for the patient.

This allows them to create a playlist of their treasured tunes which can work wonders in triggering memories and boosting mental wellbeing.

The team were named as the first community mental health team in Scotland to be officially Playlist for Life certified.The team were named as the first community mental health team in Scotland to be officially Playlist for Life certified. (Image: Fife Health and Social Care)

Nicola added: “I’ve heard others say they feel as if their loved ones are transported back to happy times again for the three minutes of a song, perhaps the first dance at their wedding or a favourite family event.”

These playlists can be very beneficial to those who use them.

The West Fife team found that in the group of 10 adults who took part, eight saw a reduction in certain medications since making a playlist.

Now, the partnership’s Older Adults Community Mental Health team are officially Playlist for Life certified for the work they do.

NHS Fife have also adopted the concept in 12 wards across the Kingdom, but the West Fife workers are the first community-based team to adopt the initiative.

Thanks to additional training from the Fife Health Charity, the health board are also providing funding and training, and more equipment has been purchased including headphones and mp3 devices.