A WOMAN has still not completed her unpaid work for an assault she committed in Dunfermline almost four years ago.

Rhya Laidlaw, 20, of Ballingry Lane, Lochgelly, appeared back at Dunfermline Sheriff Court for the offence committed at St Columba’s High School in August 2020.

Sheriff Susan Duff told Laidlaw: “I’m not in the slightest way impressed. This order is going to be done, I’m telling you now.”

Laidlaw had not contacted her supervisor about not turning up for an unpaid work shift but said she had called the charity shop.

“Next time an excuse like that will not cut it,” warned the sheriff.

She set another review for July 16 and said she wanted another five shifts done by then.

In July last year, she appeared in court for breaching the community payback order by not doing the unpaid work.

At that point, Laidlaw had only done 23 hours out of 80. She was given an additional 50 hours of unpaid work for the breach.

During the assault, she grabbed the victim’s hair, pulled her to the ground and repeatedly struck her on the head to her injury.