A DUNFERMLINE dad has spoken about his son's harrowing ordeal after a road crash where he wasn't wearing a seatbelt left him paralysed.

David Galloway now needs round the clock care and his father, John, hopes that by sharing the story they can prevent others from suffering a similar fate.

He was 18 when he was involved in a car crash near Linlithgow in 2001 while not wearing a seatbelt.

In a video interview John said: "He vacated the vehicle through the passenger door window. While exiting the front of his head hit the top frame of the door with such force that his brain bounced back and hit the back of his skull, which gave him two head injuries.

"A double whammy, as we call it.

"David was in hospital for nearly three years, the first two-to-three months he was unconscious."

Turning to his son, he said: "Your dad was sitting there worried we were going to have to turn your machine off.

"They never mentioned it to me and mum but I had it in the back of my head they were going to come to me and tell me to turn the machine off.

"But the good Lord seen some sight in you and must have said 'He's no' going yet' but it was a long road eh?

"But you're still here, causing bother, being cheeky, being your normal self, but you gave us a lot of worries."

As a result of the injuries, he sustained, David, now 40, requires round-the-clock care from his family and will continue to do so for the rest of his life.

John wanted to tell others of the devastating consequences that can come from not wearing a seatbelt.

From 2001 to 2004 David was in nine hospitals before he could eventually come home.

David Galloway with his dad, John. David needs round the clock care. David Galloway with his dad, John. David needs round the clock care. (Image: Police Scotland)

John continued: "So that was the consequences of your injuries. No longer skiing, no longer football, and you're in a wheelchair now permanently.

"Well if that's not enough to tell you to wear a seatbelt, there's nothing else I can say."

David's story has been published on Police Scotland’s social media channels as part of a national campaign to promote the use of seatbelts when driving, or travelling, in a vehicle.

Last October, analysis of road traffic fatalities across the country showed that 21 per cent of people who died on Scotland’s roads over a five year period were not wearing a seatbelt.

Between April 2023 and March this year, 2,234 people were reported for seatbelt offences in Scotland.

As part of the ongoing campaign officers will be monitoring roads to identify those not wearing seatbelts and taking appropriate action to prevent serious or fatal injuries occurring.

Chief Superintendent Hilary Sloan, head of road policing, said she was extremely grateful to David for sharing his story and said his first hand accounts was "impactful and harrowing".

She added: “Whether you are the driver or a passenger, the potential for serious, life-changing, or even fatal injuries in the event of a collision are significant and can drastically change the course of your life.”