THE flood waters may have receded in Rosyth but it’s not the first time the town has  been hit and local councillors have said enough is enough.

After "60 years" of problems, they say it's time for action.  

The South and West Fife area committee unanimously approved an urgent motion from Rosyth councillor Brian Goodall which has called for a multi-service, multi-location visit to be arranged within the next two months. 

It aims to bring together local councillors, residents and representatives from key Fife Council services to identify “any possible additional flood mitigation actions that can be delivered from within existing budgets”. 

(Image: David Wardle)

Cllr Goodall brought the proposal forward as an urgent motion after Rosyth was flooded yet again during a spate of heavy rains.

READ MORE: Rain brings more flooding issues for Rosyth residents

“The heavy rain we saw from May 26 onwards was exceptional,” he began.  

“Some of the streets were actually operating more like rivers than streets; it was such a significant event.

 “I had this idea because I felt that the last thing we needed to have following the incident was yet another public meeting where people get to vent their concerns but it wouldn’t actually lead to obvious actions.

"I felt that the proposal for a site visit – to try and get key players involved on site – would make a big difference.” 

Councillor Brian Goodall said there have been flooding problems in Rosyth for the last 60 years.Councillor Brian Goodall said there have been flooding problems in Rosyth for the last 60 years. (Image: Jim Payne)

The motion saw councillors recognise the “considerable impact” the most recent flood had on residents “at a number of locations in Rosyth”. 

READ MORE: Rosyth flooding: 'It seems like nothing's been done'

It also recognised that flooding incidents – while not a new phenomenon for the town – are becoming more widespread and frequent. 

“Most of us will be aware that there’s been flooding issues in Rosyth for the last 60 years,” Cllr Goodall stated.  “I regularly hear from residents who recall being carried out of school when they went to Park Road Primary School many decades ago.”

He continued: “The big difference is that these incidents are happening much more frequently.

"What was once maybe a once every three years event is becoming a once every three month event as a result of climate change.” 

The motion also recognised that areas of the town not previously impacted are now experiencing flood events as well. 

“My hope is to identify some key alterations that can be delivered within budgets,” he concluded. 

“But it’s also to build steam for urgent need for action in Rosyth. We’ve had an awful lot of talk, reports etc but we need action now.

"I think a multi-agency approach is really what’s needed.”