PUPILS from Bellyeoman Primary are celebrating after winning a Social Enterprise Award.

The Developing Young Workforce (DYW) ambassadors from the Dunfermline school attended the prizegiving in Edinburgh last week.

The eight youngsters picked up the accolade at the Social Enterprise Awards for running community cafes within the school, where they invite along parents, care home residents, and families.

Any profits go back into the community, which the young people use to make up care packages for patients in the Queen Margaret Hospital.

The eight youngsters received the accolade for their community cafes within the school.The eight youngsters received the accolade for their community cafes within the school. (Image: Claire Dingwall)

They’ve also been up to visit patients in ward four and have taken part in activity afternoons with them.

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Claire Dingwall, depute head at Bellyeoman PS, commented: “They’ve definitely worked hard. They won the Fife Dragon’s Den event, and then we were invited along to the Social Enterprise Awards in Edinburgh, where they won an award for their social enterprise.

 “Then we got nominated to come to the Dunfermline Press awards, where we picked up another award, so they’ve had a busy time.”

The school will celebrate the group’s accomplishments at an assembly.

Claire added: “We’re really proud of them. They’ve worked hard, they’ve been so dedicated.

“They’re forever asking me 'When are we having our next meeting?' and 'What can we do next?'. 

"So they’re really keen, they enjoy running the cafes and organising them and then they really enjoy their visits up to the hospital.”