THE number of phone calls reporting incidents at Dunfermline Bus Station has halved, according to a police inspector.

Members of the City of Dunfermline Area committee were given an update on crime at their meeting on Tuesday.

Community Inspector Neil McGurk told councillors: "It has been a challenging time however I think the report outlines that the areas of significant risk of harm, we are targeting the right areas.

"Overall, the volume of crime is reducing in the area but we still have issues around behaviour.

READ MORE: Dunfermline councillor sees bus station disorder during police outing

"The bus station has had significant issues. From the turn of this year, we have had quite a significant reduction in calls to the bus station – I think we are getting half the calls compared to this time last year so hopefully measures being put in place are starting to bear fruit.

"Various work is ongoing with our partners including the bus station, safer communities and street pastors have been deployed. Regular attendance by our officers, once a shift where possible. On the whole, these engagements are being done.

"I appreciate it is not done and dusted yet and there are still issues. We are aware of the intimidation that is still being caused by large groups of youths."

In his report to councillors, Inspector McGurk said anti-social behaviour was an "area of concern" in the bus station areas as well as in places including Pittencrieff Park and Calais Woods.

He said several measures had been implemented to tackle and reduce the impact and intimidating nature that anti-social behaviour can bring.

"This includes working closely with Fife Council bus station management, safer communities, health, education and third sector partners to provide proactive and robust engagement," he said.

"Significant work has been conducted within schools to ensure positive, preventative messaging in a bid to educate young people on the impact of anti-social behaviour on them personally and the wider community."

READ MORE: Increased police presence at Dunfermline Bus Station

Events focusing on building and fire safety at derelict properties have also been held involving Fife Council, the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and police.

"Site visits were conducted at the King Malcolm Hotel, a derelict building on Pittencrieff Street and a Townhill Loch private dwelling," he said.

"During these visits, insecurity issues were discussed with partners as well as remedial work required to secure the sites against intruders.

"Immediate remedial fencing work was arranged at the Townhill Loch dwelling and the owner of the derelict building on Pittencrieff Street was contacted regarding an insecure boundary fence.

"Drone deployment at the King Malcolm Hotel has been arranged to assess the roof for insecurities and remedial work required will be highlighted to the owners in due course."