COUNCILLORS have approved plans to spend £20,000 on improvements to Dunfermline High Street. 

No one at the City of Dunfermline area committee contested the need or desire for the upgrade, but it was put to a vote for transparency and scrutiny concerns. 

The money will go towards a suite of improvements including bench replacements - new ones have been installed in time for the gala tomorrow (Saturday) - deep-cleaning of pavements and repainting of railings. 

However, there is no further detail about the project’s specifics, priorities or costs. 

Dunfermline Central SNP councillors Jean Hall Muir and Derek Glen wanted to postpone the decision until the details could be provided. 

“Improvement of the High Street is a huge and urgent need and desire for all of us,” Cllr Hall Muir said.  

“But part of our job is to be able to appropriately scrutinise the allocation of public funds.” 

She emphasised that “it’s a real problem” to spend public funds without seeing “itemised, costed, and agreed upon priorities”. 

“We can’t do our job and accept accountability when we’re not provided with the most essential information of what, how and how much,” she said. 

Cllr Glen said postponing the investment was a “matter of scrutiny”.

He wanted to know exactly how and where the money would be spent before agreeing to hand it over. 

Councillors were assured that a full list of improvement plans and costs would come back to the committee at the next meeting in August. 

However, Cllr Glen said he was previously promised that information would be available at Tuesday’s meeting but it never materialised. 

Committee convener, Lib Dem councillor James Calder moved for approval and said: “I think it’s extremely important that we move forward with these projects – particularly on High Street improvements. 

“There have been significant concerns raised by members of the business community, other community organisations and members of the public on the High Street.

“There is some information about the things we’re looking to spend this on. I think members of the public want to see action on the High Street and I’m proposing we move with that action.” 

The vote went 4-3 in favour and the money will come from the area committee's community recovery fund.

After the meeting, Cllr Calder told the Press the improvements had been identified on a recent walkabout in the city centre.

He went on: "The benches in the High Street were in really poor condition and I was keen that we utilise some of our funding we have locally to do something about it.

"Local residents rightly want to see our city centre look great and having the benches replaced will be more comfortable and create a better impression.

"I am pleased the new benches were installed this week in time for the gala, one of our best events throughout the year.

"We will continue to work on local improvements in our city centre in the coming months."