IT'S going to be child's play in Dunfermline thanks to a £10,000 grant. 

The money from the City of Dunfermline area committee will help get the Scobie Place playpark project in the Garvock area to get over the line. 

The funding request was agreed at their meeting on Tuesday and the £150,000 of improvements should start soon. 

Councillors unanimously agreed to take the money from the local community planning budget to support the mums and dads who have been heading up the fundraising drive to pay for an upgraded play park.

The local group have raised £8,200 and secured funds from elsewhere – including £70,000 of Scottish Government funding; £30,000 from the Fife Environment Trust; £20,000 from Parks Capital funding; and £3,000 from the Carnegie Dunfermline Trust. 

READ MORE: High Street in Dunfermline set for £20,000 of improvements

Local kids pictured at Scobie Place playpark in the summer of 2022. That's when the project began with the aim of raising £130,000. Local kids pictured at Scobie Place playpark in the summer of 2022. That's when the project began with the aim of raising £130,000. (Image: Newsquest)

According to a committee report, these community efforts “underscore their proactive initiatives to bring financial resources for the betterment of the city of Dunfermline and its residents”. 

The group started raising funds two years ago and members estimated that they've raised more than £150,000 to renovate the playpark. 

It was left with only a roundabout and a see-saw after its swing set was removed due to it being deemed unsafe for use.

The committee report went on: “The park design, conceived to be inclusive and advantageous for the entire community, emphasises safety enhancements in alignment with the existing layout. 

“Pending the acquisition of requisite funds, the commencement of site work is anticipated early in this current financial year (2024/25).” 

Committee convener James Calder said: “Encouraging civic pride and supporting our communities to address their needs is key to Dunfermline’s growth and success.”