PERMISSION has been granted for the relocation of trees in an "ancient woodland" in Dunfermline.

Fife Council gave planning approval to move a range of species from Calais Muir Woods to Duloch Park.

A mix of Birch, Willow, Oak, Hawthorn, Hazel, Beech and Larch saplings will be carefully dug up and transported to the agreed area.

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This is being done as part of a community replanting project aimed to preserve natural species along the route where Scottish Power pylons cut through the woods.

Taking action now will prevent the trees from having to be cut down in the future once they have grown too tall.

The development lies within a coal mining area, so there is the possibility that the site may contain unrecorded coal mining related hazards.

The council said all work should be carried out by professional arborists, and any works to trees should be undertaken outside of the bird-breeding season, which runs from March to September.