PLANS are progressing on proposals which could bring nearly 200 new homes to Aberdour.

Permission was granted after appeal in 2021 for a total of 125 properties at Hillside School with the existing school set to be relocated with associated playing fields, pavilions, workshops/business units, residential blocks, landscaping, parking, servicing and access.

Since then, a consultation exercise has taken place in the village in April this year to moot opinion on more detailed proposals for the 135 acre site. 

Back then, Cala revealed they were looking to build around 190 homes and said they would assess feedback with the hope of lodging a fresh planning application in June.

That's yet to be submitted however a bid has been made to vary the timings of existing planning requirements.

In a statement to Fife Council, agents Felsham PD said the applicant wanted to extend the duration of the planning consent.

"This is due to concerns about the implementation of this condition because of the timing of the overall development on the site. There is also the requirement to keep the existing school operational while the development is being constructed," they explained.

READ MORE: Developers to outline plans for more than 100 houses in Aberdour

"Condition 14 as currently worded, requires that the vehicular access onto the A921 is constructed and operational prior to the occupation of any residential units and therefore forces its construction as a priority.

"In doing so it will impact the ability to maintain the undisturbed operation of the existing school.

"The applicants merely wish to swap the timing of the access routes construction to ensure the delivery of the Mill Farm vehicular access first, thus enabling the existing school to function in an uninterrupted manner."

Plans for the homes were first put forward in 2017 and were met with 461 objections.

The second application, in 2018, attracted 352 objections.

Both were refused by the council, the latter in February 2020, due to "inadequate information" on which to take a decision.

An appeal to the government in April of that year was eventually approved in August 2021.

Local councillor David Barratt described that decision as "bizarre" given that the council and Sepa had both voiced concerns about flooding at the site.

And Aberdour Community Council chairperson Ian Fleming, who had previously highlighted community fears about the impact the development would have on facilities such as the school and GP surgery, called it "deeply frustrating".

The developers said 25 per cent of the new units will be affordable homes and the scheme will also offer landscape features, amenity space, pedestrian and cycle ways, and car parking.