AN INVERKEITHING pub is set to serve up a revamp after a planning application was given the green light.

Permission had been sought by Star Pubs and Bars for external alterations of the Burgh Arms with work including painting of the frontage and the installation of wall mounted floodlights and lanterns.

The High Street boozer dates back to the early 19th century and is a category C listed building. There will also be some minor internal redecorations.

A report from planners said the development would see the re-painting of the existing "weathered" frontage in lighter colours, plus the replacement of a history board and two new awnings on the front elevation.

It adds: "The works would also include the sensitive refurbishment of the existing traditional lantern above the main entrance and a total of seven new LED floodlights at eaves level would replace the existing floodlights in the same locations.

"Overall, it is considered that the external works to the building have been sensitively designed and selected to ensure that the character and appearance of the Category C listed building is enhanced which in turn would have a positive visual impact on its historic surroundings within the Conservation Area."

Listed building consent has also been granted by the council. 

A statement on behalf of Star Pubs said: "Overall, we feel that our proposed scheme is sympathetic and will enhance / protect the building for many years to come."