A GROUP of young West Fifers have celebrated the end of an era and the start of a new one with their nursery graduation.

A total of 27 children graduated from the Pitreavie Kindergarten with a special ceremony on Friday as they prepare to head to big school.

Emma Reynolds, from the nursery, has helped care for some of the little ones since they were babies and said it was an emotional occasion for staff and parents alike.

"We started to prepare for the day at the start of April and did a lot of rehearsals, which paid off because the children did amazing on the day!" she said.

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"The children performed a poem that spelt out ‘Kindergarten’, they worked so hard at nursery and home to perfect their line, they also performed a song about moving on to the next step of their journey, as well as receiving their certificate for completing nursery.

Pitreavie Kindergarten pupils at their graduation ceremony.Pitreavie Kindergarten pupils at their graduation ceremony. (Image: David Wardle)

"After the main ceremony the children were treated to a fantastic puppet show and had the opportunity to have their face painted and have glitter tattoos.

"The children all had a fantastic day, as well as their families who were invited along to watch."