CAMDEAN Parent Council have issued a reminder that dogs are not allowed on the playing fields next to the school.

The group took to Facebook to complain about irresponsible owners not picking up after their pets on the grassy area next to the primary school in Rosyth.  

The post stated: “The fact our poor kids still can’t enjoy playing on the grass at school due to dog fouling is disgrace!

“Under NO circumstances should dogs be on education land, which starts at the bridge at Camdean and ends at the perimeter around the back by the allotments.

“Several times this week I have heard of parents complaining of kids coming home with dog poop on their shoes. Some not realising and walking through houses, on floors where younger siblings play!”

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Back in 2022 one resident complained that locals were being "banned from the largest green space in Rosyth" when Fife Council insisted the playing fields should not be used by the public. 

And kids at the school have previously urged dog owners to pick up their pet's poo after telling the Press the problem was so bad they couldn't play in the school grounds.

However one local resident, who didn't want to be named, told the Press it's a small minority of pet owners who are causing the problems.

They said they belong to a group of dog walkers who use the school field after 9am, when pupils are in class, and added: "We always make sure to pick up our dog poo and if someone doesn't see their dog poo, someone else has and will pick it up for them. 

"It's one of the perks of being a group, we look out for each other.

“The school have put up 'no dogs allowed' signs and complain on Facebook about the kids stepping in dog poo and bringing it home at the end of the day.

“It's the whole bad apple spoils the bunch situation because we are getting sick of seeing all the unpicked poo around too.

“They say a fence is too expensive and not needed but even if all the good dog walkers left the field alone the ones leaving dog poo wouldn't care.”