A WEST Fife sports club has said they are "at a loss" to understand a decision which will mean new sports facilities at the Dunfermline Learning Campus will not be accessible to local groups until October.

Dunfermline Hockey Club have hit out at the two month delay for community use to be introduced having had a complaint thrown out by Fife Council.

As reported by the Press last month, the new high schools open in August but the local authority said that community use will not be available until October.

This has not gone down well with local sports clubs - especially as the current St Columba's and Woodmill buildings will be closed by then and being readied for demolition - with the council stating they'll work with those impacted to find "alternative accommodation" in the meantime.

READ MORE: Sporting clubs hit out at Dunfermline Learning Campus delay

A source said this was a "U-turn" from what the clubs had been promised.

The decision prompted a complaint by the hockey club however they have now received a response from education chief Shelagh McLean who has rejected the concerns.

She stated: "Firstly, I would like to apologise for the fact that you feel dissatisfied with the information you have been provided previously and the actions taken in this regard.

"The operational arrangements that Fife Council is putting in place to ensure that effective, efficient and safe transitional arrangements are in place to support our pupils, parents, staff and wider stakeholders are a matter for officers of the council.

"Our community use team has been, and will continue to be, happy to provide support for our community groups/clubs over the period between August 19 and October 7, where appropriate, offering alternative accommodation for this period."

READ MORE: Videos show Dunfermline Learning Campus work gathering pace

A spokesperson for the club said: "In essence the core issue is the fact that the school day is complete by 4pm or earlier and community use does not start until 6pm.

"I must admit I am at a loss to understand this decision and view the delay till October 7 for community use access as both unnecessary and unwelcome.

"I appreciate this is a temporary state of affairs and it obviously suits the educational establishment but there are a range of issues that we as a club will now have to deal with ... regarding the interim use of the Woodmill pitch including how our six to 14 year olds access the pitch if Woodmill High is closed to access. 

"We do not want them having to cross Woodmill Road from the St Columba's High parking area."

The council said that a "phased approach to the delivery of some services" would take place when the schools open on Wednesday August 21.

"The first term after the summer holidays will see big changes for pupils, teachers and support staff," they said.

"There will be new floor layouts, new operating systems, new technology and new learning spaces for everyone to get used to. Also, during the first term we’re planning open evenings for parents to tour the new schools and experience this new era in education.

"Following the schools starting in August, we will start community access to the sports facilities at Dunfermline Learning Campus from October 7."