The Rotary Club of Dunfermline has converted a shipping container into a business hub in Nairobi.

The facility now functions as a Business Incubation Hub.

Alan Condie, president of the rotary club, said the Raising Futures Charity completed the re-building of a training centre in a poor part of the country to provide training for young and vulnerable 14 to 25-year-olds living in poverty. 

He said: “The four classrooms in the centre provide training in Catering & Hospitality, Fashion & Design, Health & Beauty and Motor Mechanics.

“Once these students graduate, they either go into employment or set up their own small businesses, that latter option being a significant feature of the Kenyan economy.

(Image: Rotary Club of Dunfermline)

“Working with Dunfermline Rotary, this shipping container has been converted to a fully equipped facility with on-site advice and support being provided by staff from the main training centre.”

The revamping process had a price tag of £2,500, sponsored by the rotary club.

It involved fitting lighting, power outlets, shelving, workstations, changing rooms, and a fresh coat of paint.

The first graduates using this Hub are from the Fashion & Design course and more than 30 of them are expected to use the Hub this year.

As the year progresses, more graduates will also be supported to start their own businesses.

Mr Condie said: “To support and empower these resilient, determined and entrepreneurial young people to create futures for themselves enabling them break their cycle of poverty.

“During my year as President of Dunfermline Rotary, in addition to funding this innovative project, our Club has donated some £ 16,000 to support various organisations in our local community, bringing the total over a five year period to over £100,000.”