VALLEYFIELD community stalwart Ronnie Collins has vowed to rebuild a local play facility after the previous one was torched by vandals.

Residents from the village were shocked to discover the structure – which Ronnie had built for youngsters during lockdown – had been wrecked last weekend.

After numerous offers of help – and an online fundraiser which has already raised over £1,000 – plans are now underway for a replacement.

Frustrated by the mindless act of vandalism, Ronnie had initially decided not to create another play structure until countless locals provided their support.

The damaged play fort at Valleyfield Woods.The damaged play fort at Valleyfield Woods. (Image: Contributed)

"It burnt to the ground," he said. "What can you do? I was just for leaving it and there have been a few local people who have contacted me and they have said are you going to rebuild it.

"I said what is the point but a few people contacted us and one of the guys said I will give you £500 to start up something so I said I will go forward and do something.

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"A couple of local builders contacted me and are willing to help donate materials so there has been a few more people saying we will support it and the support has just kept coming.

"I said I will look at something and will rebuild it and do it bigger and better this time if that many people are supporting me."

The fort-like structure was put together by Ronnie after he came up with the idea during lockdown.

The play fort in Valleyfield Woods before the vandalism.The play fort in Valleyfield Woods before the vandalism. (Image: Contributed)

"I built the original one –the reason was not everyone was going to have the money to build one and put in in their garden and not everyone is going to have the space in the garden. It was during lockdown so it gave me something to do. It was a wee project.

"I am now completely retired and I am always doing things like that. I have got the time to take it on. I have had a lot of skilled tradesman who have said if you want a hand, let us know.

"I thought if the bairns are going to enjoy it and people are going to support it, I will put my time and effort into it. I have always done that. I will throw my weight behind it."

He said he hopes raising awareness about what has happened will help those responsible think twice about any sort of repetition.

"It is for everyone. We are not doing this for one group or people, we are doing it for everyone to enjoy," he added. "The amount of people who are playing a part in this now, hopefully it will put it in a different light."

Anyone wanting to contribute to the fundraising can do so here.