With countless memories between the walls of both Woodmill High and St Columba's High spanning, we collected some from both staff and pupils.

​Mr Simpson Former Woodmill PTC Technical Subjects now at Auchmuty High School:

"As a teacher I remember teaching a class and they were asking me where I was from and I told them I was an ex-pupil and had been brought up in Inchkeith Drive. "So you're one of us" was the claim and from that moment in I had a great bond with the pupils.

"The pupils were fantastic, honest and always kept you in check. I'm saddened to see the school move out of the Abbeyview community which needs a school close to its heart"

Mrs Moyes (Conway) Woodmill High Chemistry and Science teacher:

"My memories of Woodmill go back to the early 80's when I was a pupil. I remember fondly my time here, going to Ardroy, being in school shows, playing hockey (badly), the school strikes of the 80's, hating English, loving Science and Maths, and the teachers who helped me through, Mrs Sadler, Mr Sadler, Mr Pollock, Mrs Cook, Dr Wood to name a few.

"I came back a few years later as a teacher and have spent most of my adult life here. Meeting staff and pupils has formed the person I have become, they have also shared in the joys and sorrows of my life. I have seen lots of staff come and go and many are still really close friends.

"Highlights of my time included leading trips to Italy, Belgium, Crieff Hydro, Alton Towers (at least 10 times) going canoeing, camping, abseiling, theatre trips, as well as being in a panto, and on numerous ski holidays with colleagues. Too many experiences to count.

"The fire was a major low in my time at Woodmill, I was dispatched to Inverkeithing High School to teach the fourth year Chemistry classes. It was a weird time of teaching the same lesson repeatedly but never in the same room with the same resources, but we muddled through and the kids were fab."

A former St Columba's pupil now teacher at the school:

"Memories include Ski France trip, the fact the locks on the girls toilets didn't work - your friend had to hold the door closed with their foot, the language labs with the individual tape cassette player on the desks, BBC computers.

"I will miss the feeling of family within the school. I am looking forward to new opportunities for young people, a rectangular classroom (I teach in one of the old language labs which is curved)

Another St Columba's teacher and former pupil:

"Memories include School trip to Rome, School trip to York where the entire train was taken up by S1. An amazing day. Representing the school at the opening of the Scottish Parliament.

"I will miss the familiarity of the building. The "warmth" when you enter the building. I experienced this as a pupil and it came flooding back to me on my first day back as a teacher.

"I am looking forward to the opportunity to be in a fresh new Guidance base with the entire Guidance Team, the opportunities the new build will provide young people with outstanding new facilities, having Fife College on campus will be beneficial for us and pupils."

Memories from Dunfermline Press readers

Pauline King: "I loved Mr Sadler, his music classes were awesome. I also loved Mr Ellam for English, he was a really kind man and at the end of every class with him he'd have us playing blockbusters and the amount of times folk shouted "can I have a P please bob,". God we were so easy amused back then."

Maureen Noonan: "St Columba's 74-78 great school met people from all over still friends to this day."

Maggie McLelland:  "I loved Woodmill. Would have loved to have visited it one last time. Particularly remember working in the flat in domestic science. Loved Mr Sadlers music class."

Stephanie Nicol: "St Columba’s had some fantastic teachers in my time there (2006-2012). Mr Thomas, Mr Gibson, Mr Lyall, Ms Pirie, Mrs Shumway to name a few. Will always be thankful to them for the good memories."

Heather Steen: "Would’ve loved to have visited the school one last time and show my daughters the school. Totally broke my heart the night it went on fire. Myself, my sister and my dad all went to that school."