WASTE workers across Fife are set to walk out as part of a scheduled period of strike action over an ongoing pay dispute.

Unite the Union announced on Tuesday, July 2 that it has a mandate for members taking action in cleansing and waste services across half of Scottish councils.

Industrial action will affect 16 councils across the country including Fife and will involve waste workers, street cleaners and recycling centre operators.

The union has warned that the period of strike action could begin in just over two weeks’ time.

Sharon Graham, Unite general secretary, said: “After years of cuts to council pay and services, years of chronic underfunding and understaffing, our membership is saying no more. Enough.

“They have Unite’s unequivocal support in the fight for better jobs, pay and conditions across Scottish local government.”

Unit confirmed in May that its local government representatives had rejected outright a formal pay offer from COSLA.

This offer comprised a 2.2 per cent rise effective from April 1 to September 30, and then two per cent for a 12 month period from October 1 2024 to September 30 2025.

Unite rejected this offer and instead have opted to move forward with planned strike action this summer.

Graham McNan, industrial officer with Unite, added: “Thousands of workers in cleansing and waste services are now on the brink of taking strike action in a matter of weeks.

“Our members are being left with no choice but to fight for fair pay.

“Council workers deserve to be treated with respect but instead they received a pitiful pay offer which was rejected outright by Unite.

“This situation is entirely in the hands of COSLA and the Scottish Government who can resolve this dispute at any moment by making a significantly improved pay offer.”

The Press approached Fife Council for a comment on the matter, with the local authority confirming they will be working to minimise the effects strikes can have on areas.

Jacqui Cameron, human resources service manager for Fife Council, said: “Should the prospect of local action arise, we will assess the impact this would have on our services in Fife to minimise the effect of this locally.

“COSLA are continuing to negotiate with trade unions on behalf of councils across Scotland.”