THE new MP for Glenrothes and Mid Fife is Richard Baker.

The Labour candidate took home 15,994 votes in the General Election.

He won the seat from Peter Grant, who first won the seat in 2015 and held it for three elections in a row.

In second place was John Beare of the Scottish National Party who received 13,040 votes, followed by Ian Smith of the Reform Party with 3,528 votes, Debbie Macallum with 1,973 votes and Jill Reilly of the Scottish Liberal Democrats who received 1,604 votes.

Turn out for the Glenrothes constituency was 51.33 per cent.

Following his victory, Mr Baker said: “I would like to pay tribute to the outgoing MP Peter Grant for his commitment and tireless work for the constituency and all the other candidates in this election which has been a spirited but fair campaign.

“My brilliant campaign team has worked tirelessly to deliver few would have thought possible a few months ago.

“I would like to thank my wife Claire Baker who Anas Sarwar reminds me is a talented politician. I want to thank all those people who voted for change and put their trust in me to be their MP.”

During his speech, Mr Baker spoke of a miner’s lamp that was given to him by his father- back in 2015 when he was standing for election.

The lamp was a reminder as to why he was standing and while he didn’t win then, he promised to take that light to Westminster with him.

He added: “There will be many people who have voted Scottish Labour for the first time in this election and who have come back. I will work hard for all people in this constituency.

“It means so much to me to have the chance to be a champion for our part of Scotland.”