THE volunteers who help look after the magnificent peacocks in Dunfermline's Pittencrieff Park were invited to a prestigious Royal Garden Party.

Some of the longest-serving and senior volunteers were invited to the event on Tuesday last week, July 2.

Several members of the Royal Family were in attendance, including King Charles III, Queen Camilla, and the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh.

Some of the longest serving and senior volunteers were invited to the event.Some of the longest serving and senior volunteers were invited to the event. (Image: Carlyn Cane)

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Carlyn Cane, one of the volunteers with the peacocks, commented: “Some of our longest-serving and senior volunteers were delighted to receive an invitation to the Royal Garden Party at Holyrood Palace.

“We were contacted by the Lord Lieutenant of Fife’s office and were very excited to get the opportunity to dress up as it doesn’t happen very often!

The volunteers had a lovely day.The volunteers had a lovely day. (Image: Carlyn Cane)

“We had a lovely day together; however, it was rather cold. It was nice to see so many people in fancy suits, dresses, and hats. We met some very interesting people and saw the Royals in a magnificent setting.”