THE Crossgates Events Committee are asking for more volunteers following a successful gala.

The gala, which took place on Saturday featured a parade, rides, inflatables, and a face-painter.

Sharon Cooper, co-chair, commented: “It’s always a good turnout in Crossgates. The village really gets behind it, we can always count on that, if only we had the helpers to make it.

The gala took place on Saturday, July 6.The gala took place on Saturday, July 6. (Image: David Wardle)

“We are always needing helpers and committee members.”

Last year, when the committee had its first meeting, besides from co-chairs Sharon and Hailey Cassels, there was only one other person.

This went up to 17 people at the next meeting, before going down to six.

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The gala's royal party.The gala's royal party. (Image: David Wardle)

“We say every year if we don’t get the volunteers it can’t go ahead, and I think it falls on deaf ears most of the time.” Sharon added.

They now need to buy new bunting for next year, and they need funds to continue to provide Crossgates youngsters with bands that give them access to almost everything for free. 

If anyone wants to get involved with the gala or the committee, then they should contact the Crossgates Events Committee Facebook page.

Sharon wanted to thank everybody who supported the gala with this year’s event.

Cllr Darren Watt was also in attendance at the gala.Cllr Darren Watt was also in attendance at the gala. (Image: David Wardle)

“A lot of the businesses have pulled together and really, really helped us," she said.

“The kids all thoroughly enjoyed themselves as well. The kids all seemed to have a great time.”