A DUNFERMLINE chip shop owner says they may be forced to lay staff off after seeing footfall fall by half since the Bothwell Gardens roundabout roadworks began.

Michele Crolla, who owns the Brig Fish Bar on Netherton Broad Street, said the losses experienced so far have been "unbearable".

"Footfall has been cut in half, while on the whole I'd say sales are down by at least 40 per cent," he said.

"Our delivery service continues to help keep us alive, although the traffic obstacles have slowed the whole process down.

"I don’t want to cut staff hours but if the work in the street continues at this pace with these disruptions, I feel at some point I will have let people go for the sake of saving my business."

READ MORE: Phase two of Bothwell Gardens roundabout works to begin

Mr Crolla, along with Dunfermline MSP Shirley-Anne Somerville, are hoping Fife Council come up with a solution to help businesses like his.

"The stress on my mental health is becoming untenable. I have two young children and a mortgage to pay like most people," he added. 

"Thinking about the losses over the next few weeks and months is unbearable.

"I hope these words don’t fall on deaf ears and some remedy to this situation is reached soon."

Ms Somerville has called on Fife Council to create a "robust plan" to assist businesses in the city who have been affected.

She has written to Chief Executive Ken Gourlay asking for urgent support for all those affected by the ongoing works.

"It is vital that Fife Council takes immediate action to support businesses who have been negatively affected by these roadworks," she said.

Shirley-Anne Somerville MSPShirley-Anne Somerville MSP (Image: Contributed)

"While this project may be necessary for infrastructure improvements, it is quite clear that there have been significant, albeit unintended, economic consequences."

Ms Somerville said disruption has created queues around the route and led to many people avoiding the area entirely which has had a damaging impact on those who run businesses locally.

READ MORE: Fife Council says sorry amid call to halt roadworks

"Businesses were unaware these roadworks would be happening until the last minute, giving them almost no time to prepare," she added.

"Considering how disruptive this project was going to be, the lack of communication with key stakeholders prior to the start date was unacceptable."

Last week, the Press reported on issues experienced by Susan David who opened her Breathe Yoga & Wellness centre earlier this year.

She has seen numbers dwindle since the £650,000 works began while MKM on Elgin Street also issued a reminder that they were still open.

READ MORE: Dunfermline business owner impacted by city roadworks

The second phase of the roadworks began today (Monday) which has seen the four-way temporary traffic reduce to three-way with Woodmill Street closing to through traffic.

Access is maintained to Woodmill Street and Woodmill Street car park but no traffic will be able to access Bothwell Gardens roundabout from Woodmill Street.

A signed diversion will be in place during phase two.

Fife Council Service manager Mark Dewar said he understood frustrations caused by the roadworks which aim to help accommodate future development in Dunfermline.

“We always strive to minimise disruption caused to businesses, communities and local people and appreciate everyone's patience," he said.

“ Unfortunately where a road authority is looking to undertake necessary road works as part of their legal powers there are no statutory mechanisms in place for compensating anyone for loss of trade.

"However our economic development team can provide help and support via Fifemeansbusiness@fife.gov.uk for businesses who are experiencing trading difficulties."