A NEW path has paved the way to help Brucefield residents get better links to their local community facilities.

The £160,000 route at St Leonard's Park is part of ongoing improvement park spearheaded by the Brucefield Tenants and Residents Association (TRA).

Funded by £100,000 from the Paths for All organisation and £60,000 from Fife Council's recovery fund, the project has seen the installation of flood prevention measures, the removal of overgrown vegetation and the installation of lighting columns.

Pipers piped people along the path at the official opening ceremony on Monday which was attended by members of the local community, Fife Council and Paths for All representatives.

The new path at St Leonard's Park is officially opened by Kathleen Langer from Brucefield TRA.The new path at St Leonard's Park is officially opened by Kathleen Langer from Brucefield TRA. (Image: David Wardle)

Brucefield TRA secretary Kathleen Langner was delighted to see the path officially open.

"It went really well. We had pipers come to make it a bit of a celebration," she said.

"We also had artwork on display from seniors from Dunfermline High School Art Department and from Donna Forrester who is part of the Kelty Art group.

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"Donna is going to be painting a mural on the Sports Pavilion so it was an opportunity to share some designs for that project.

"Everyone was really impressed and we got some really good feedback."

Kathleen said the improved path is already being used more by local residents.

She explained: "We put out a poll asking people how the path benefitted them. Everybody came back and said they were really happy and felt safer to travel along it as it was lit. ln the winter, it is going to make it a lot more usable .

The official opening of the new path at St Leonard's Park.The official opening of the new path at St Leonard's Park. (Image: David Wardle)

"People in wheelchairs say its great because they can get links to buses in Edinburgh easily now.

"Before, the recent rain would have closed the path for weeks. It would have been out of action because it was just a dirt track and it would flood really badly. There are no longer floods and it is an all weather path.

"We want to thank Paths for All for funding the work and we also had some money from Fife Council so that has helped too."