DUNFERMLINE's Wonder Woman hung up her cape for the weekend earlier this month so her alter ego could compete in her first-ever marathon. 

Carol-Ann Fraser took part in the Blast Running Sunset Festival in Edinburgh on Saturday, July 6, to raise money for Held in our Hearts - a charity that helps support people through baby loss. 

While she was feeling nervous about this challenge, Carol-Ann faced it head-on and raised a whopping £665 for Held in our Hearts. 

She told the Press: "I got on really well, I finished it in 4 hours and 47 minutes and the time limit was five hours, so I was really really chuffed with that.

"The weather was horrible; we had torrential rain, we had thunder, we had overcloud, we had the wind, we had the sun, we had rainbows - you name it. The only thing we didn’t have was the snow!

(Image: Graeme Baxter/G-Bax Photography)

"Looking back on it, I am really proud of myself. It was a good experience and I did really enjoy it.

"The whole atmosphere was amazing. There was support everywhere, there were kids giving high fives as you ran past, and there was a DJ playing music and cheering everybody on, it was just lovely."

Despite the incredible atmosphere, the longer the marathon went, the harder it got for Carol-Ann.

She continued: "The last lap was the hardest, that last three and a bit miles was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life.

"That was when the emotion kicked in. That was when the tears kicked in, when the thought of just walking it kicked in, when the thought of just quitting kicked in and if it hadn’t been for my kids and my friends and the music - because the music on the playlist I had were all songs that people had given when they donated to the charity -, so when I got over that mindset and heard the people, heard the songs, I was like... ‘I can do this.'"

And she did it, Carol-Ann pushed through and completed the marathon within the five-hour time limit. 

(Image: Supplied)

She added: "I’m nearly at £700 on my fundraiser so I'm just overwhelmed by that as well.

"It’s just amazing how much people believed in me, to support the charity. It’s just been amazing. 

"I’d just like to thank everybody who has supported me because without them, I know I would have struggled a lot and I think it’s important to know that we’ve all got each other."

Carol-Ann went on to give special thanks to her family and, in particular, her little girls who have been so understanding throughout her marathon training.