AN ABBEYVIEW resident has blasted Fife Council after claiming a shisha lounge which had been ordered to shut is still operating.

The local says the Buzz Shisha Lounge in Duncan Crescent attracts countless cars over the course of an evening with people going in and out of the premises until the early hours of the morning.

The Press has seen footage of people entering and leaving the building and the fed-up resident said this has also been sent to Fife Council.

"It is still 100 per cent operational despite claiming to be a seating area for ice cream," he said.

"It is now one month past enforcement action, no word from enforcement officers.

"I have had to get four new tyres because they had nails in them. We have had neighbours' cars getting keyed.

READ MORE: New plans refused for former Buzz Shisha Lounge in Abbeyview

"I have contacted Safer Communities several times and have never heard from them. There have been lots of cars speeding in and out of the street. It is terrible."

Videos show people coming in and out of the premises throughout the evening and into the early hours of the night.

"Nothing has changed at all," he added. "When the business was getting opened up, one of our neighbours came round with a petition. I said I don't care, I will give them a chance. I vape, maybe it would be a nice place to go. They day they opened, there was about 30 cars. I never went in there.

"They open about 6pm/7pm and that is it until about 3am or 4am."

The Buzz Shisha Lounge started operating in the summer of 2022 with applicant Muhammad Arslan "unaware" that he needed planning permission from the council.

The west and central planning committee refused his retrospective application in January 2023 and the Fife planning review body upheld that decision last August.

READ MORE: Plan holds up Buzz Shisha Lounge enforcement in Abbeyview

The council began enforcement action, to effectively force the business to shut down, in December.

However, in January, Mr Arslan appealed to the Scottish Government and asked for a pause until a new application was determined.

Instead of a shisha bar, which he said had already closed, he proposed the premises be used for customers of his adjacent business, House of Desserts, to sit and eat their sweet treats.

The Scottish Government rejected the appeal in February and the application for a seating area was knocked back in June.

Responding to the latest concerns, Alastair Hamilton, service manager in planning for Fife Council, said: "The enforcement process in this case is ongoing and a legal process that takes time to complete.

"We understand the frustrations of local people, but would like to assure them that we are taking the necessary steps to resolve this."

The Press attempted to contact the Buzz Shisha Lounge but they did not respond to our request for comment.