FIFE COLLEGE has been awarded a £2m Modern Apprenticeship contract, making it the third-largest engineering MA provider in the country.

It comes after Skills Development Scotland recently announced Modern Apprenticeship numbers for the 2024/25 academic year with 438 places awarded to Fife College.

The new contract, which also makes Fife College the tenth-largest MA provider in the country, underscores the college’s commitment to supporting local employers in developing their workforces.

Miles Lagan, Head of Business Development at Fife College, said: “Combining working and learning, Modern Apprenticeships are a fantastic way to gain the skills and experiences employers are looking for while also earning.

"For employers, they are also a great option to develop enthusiastic young talent with the exact skills and experience their business needs."

Fife College offers a wide range of Modern Apprenticeship programs across various sectors, including engineering, healthcare, construction, and digital technologies.

These programmes are designed to provide learners with the practical skills and academic knowledge required to excel in their careers.

Mr Lagan continued: "We are therefore delighted to offer one of the highest numbers of MA places of any college in Scotland, an achievement which is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our staff, students, and partners.

“We are committed to supporting the economy by developing a skilled workforce that meets the needs of employers and we look forward to working with local businesses to ensure Fife benefits from this enhanced range of apprenticeship opportunities.”

The new contract also confirms the college as the third-largest engineering MA provider in the country, which follows recent success at the Scottish Engineering Modern Apprentice Awards where six out of fourteen nominated apprentices were trained by Fife College.

Notably, one of these apprentices achieved first place and another secured second place, an accomplishment which highlights the exceptional quality of the engineering programmes on offer at the college and the commitment of students and staff.

The college’s new contract also means it is the third-largest college construction MA provider and the largest life science MA provider in the country.