THIS week's winner of the Dunfermline Press Scoop competition, kindly sponsored by Stephens the Bakers, is Dion Petrie, pictured inside a Stephens shop in Dunfermline receiving her prize.

Dion is looking forward to using her winning vouchers, stating: "I have been entering the Scoop competition every week and this is the first time I have won, so I'm excited to be able to treat my family with some of the vouchers.

I'll also be able to get some of my own favourites as well of Stephens Mexican Chicken filled sandwiches."

Eagle-eyed readers may have noticed that Scoop is on his summer holidays this week for a well-earned break.

Do not panic though, as he will return fresh and well-rested and back to the pages of the Dunfermline Press next week.

Keep your eyes wide open for him for the chance to win £50 in Stephens vouchers. Just tell us on which page in next week's Press our Scoop is hiding.

Email your entry to by the Monday, marking 'Scoop
Competition' in the subject box, and leave your address and phone number.

A correct entry will be drawn at random.

Best of luck.