RAISED PLANTERS and a giant picnic bench have been installed at the Calais Wood Conservation Group portacabin. 

Duloch in Bloom and the Calais Wood Conservation Group have announced that the accessible planters, paid for by Asda Foundation, for community vegetable planting and the picnic bench were installed with another seven benches planned for Calais Woods and Duloch Park this summer. 

Both were built by the Dunfermline Men's Shed and are for the whole community to use. 

Debi Brown, Duloch in Bloom co-ordinator, said: "The planters were designed to be accessible for all users, and we certainly enjoyed planting the first batch of vegetables with the help of youngsters from Carnegie Primary School, before the end of their summer term. 

"Since Duloch in Bloom first started in October 2020, one consistent thing that park users have asked our volunteers is; 'Can we get benches installed in the park and woods?'

"This is where voluntary groups, like ours, come in very handy for the community. Until now Duloch in Bloom and Calais Wood Conservation Group have installed ten benches in the park and woods thanks to community donations, but we knew it wasn't enough.

"Recently, Michael Pattinson, who set up and runs our affiliate group, Duloch Path Group, produced maps for the public, showing path locations and introducing new routes for walkers. A page follower asked the question; 'Could we see where benches are on the maps, in order to plan walks for those who need frequent rest stops?

Dunfermline's Men Shed building the giant picnic bench. (Image: Supplied)

"Michael was quick to oblige, and the current benches were put onto the map, highlighting to us the need for at least another five benches to close the gaps in the woodland walks. A plan was formed to start applying for funding.

"Luckily for the community, local business, Survivability Consulting Limited, contacted Duloch in Bloom at the perfect time, to ask how they could help with funding our projects.

"Thanks to their generous donation, seven new benches have now been ordered and will be installed in Calais Woods and Duloch Park in the coming months. Michael will have to update the maps again soon enough."

The group also want to highlight that the vegetables harvested from the raised planters are also for the community and will be offered out. 

Duloch in Bloom is also looking for new volunteers, those who are able to spare an hour or two a week to help maintain the gardens are asked to contact Debi on 07583 162417, email them at dulochinbloom@outlook.com or find them on Facebook.

Their affiliate groups, the Duloch Path Group, Save the Calaiswoods Wildlife and the Calais Wood Wombles, also need volunteers. Contact them through Facebook for more information.