PRICES are set to rise at public electric vehicle charging points across Fife.

Fife Council says the increases – which are se to be introduced on August 1 – will help support the maintenance of the existing EV network and attract further investment from commercial operators.

The new tariffs for the three types of EV charge infrastructure in Fife will be 40p per KWh for trickle and fast chargers and 60p per KWh for 50kW rapid chargers.

Currently, electricity is charged at 15p/kWh with users also paying a £1.60 connection fee.

Although the charging cost is set to increase, the connection fee at council-operated charging facilities will be removed.

Councillor Altany Craik, Spokesperson for Finance, Economy, and Strategic Planning, explained: “These tariff changes will help to establish an EV charging network in Fife that is self-sustaining.

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“As we look to increase the number of public EV charging points in Fife over the coming years, it is important that we build a network that is sustainable, and affordable for all Fifers.”

Further changes to the EV Charging network in Fife include the introduction of a maximum stay of 70-minutes at all Fife Council operated rapid chargers.

This allows a 60-minute charging period, followed by a 10-minute grace period.

An overstay fee of £10 at all Fife Council operated rapid chargers will also be introduced to help manage the level of demand and encourage better utilisation of the infrastructure.

The majority of the existing charging infrastructure has been delivered through Transport Scotland grant funding.

To secure further grant funding, local authorities are required to develop an EV Strategy and introduce tariffs at a level that would be commercially attractive to external operators.

Fife’s EV Strategy is currently being developed and opportunities are being explored for regional joint working in developing a larger future EV charging network.