DUNFERMLINE war memorial is set to be spruced up if a bid for listed building consent is given the go ahead.

The application is seeking permission for work to be carried out on the Monastery Street structure which will include repointing and stone-cleaning.

A supporting statement to planners said the work is planned ahead of the memorial's centenary celebrations in September 2025.

"The Memorial is generally in a reasonable condition for its age, material type and location," it added.

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"The main areas that require attention are vegetation growth, aggravated by the Memorial’s close relationship to the adjacent wooded area and complex topography that makes regular maintenance to the rear two elevations more challenging.

"Listed Building Consent is required where proposals will alter the character of a listed War Memorial. This can include cleaning, repair and repointing of the structure.

"As such, it is recommended that consent is acquired prior to undertaking any of the required and recommended work.

"In the best interests of the Memorial, a light touch approach is recommended to limit the potential for long-term damage for short-term gain."