PLANS to remove parts of two historic gas holders in Dunfermline have been submitted to Fife Council.

SGN has applied for listed building consent to move tanks and shells from two structures on Grange Road along with associated gas infrastructure to allow their decommission.

One of the gas holders dates back to 1893 while the other was built in 1922 for the Dunfermline Corporation Gas Department.

The rusting structures were B-listed by Historic Environment Scotland (HES) in 2017.

After carrying out a lengthy review, HES decided to list the gas-holders as they deemed them to be a "striking example of historic industrial infrastructure" and among a very small number of surviving structures of their type and date in Scotland.

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A planning statement said the application relates "solely" to work required to allow for the decommissioning of the structures and related remediation.

"The works relate to the removal of the unlisted tank(s) and related unlisted infrastructure to allow for the dewatering, de-oiling and desludging of the gas related infrastructure," it explained.

"The works, given the nature of the structure, will necessitate the cutting of a section of the outer tank where listed building consent is sought.

"The works are proposed to take place at the west side of the structure to allow ease of access and to ensure limited visibility from Grange Road itself.

"The intent is to reinstate the section in a sensitive manner once works are completed."