TREE FELLING will take place at the St Ninians site, near Kelty, to remove damaged and diseased trees.

The works will remove wind damaged and diseased trees and also clear areas of conifers which have become too dense.

This will take place at the Kelty end of the Coal Haul Road and the pine woods between the Stables and the Lassodie end of the Coal Haul Road.

As previously reported in the Press, National Pride purchased land at St Ninians and Loch Fitty and outlined proposals for an ‘eco-therapy’ leisure park.

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Plans include a wellness spa complex, tree houses, lodges, geodesic domes, a trout fishery, entertainment centre, and more.

The tree felling will begin on August 14 and will be completed as soon as possible.

Some areas will be cordoned off from the public due to heavy machinery being in use, and traffic management on site will ensure public safety.

Once the trees have been removed there are plans to replant areas with new stock and remediate soils.