A COAL RELAY race in Dunfermline's Pittencrieff Park has raised over £2,000 for charity. 

The event was held in memory of Sophia-Rose Carnwath, who was stillborn last year on June 9. 

To raise awareness of stillbirths and to keep her baby's memory alive, Angi Burt and her partner Martin Carnwath held the event on Sunday, with help from their good friend, James Fox. 

Angi told the Press: "James got in contact saying that he felt like he had to do something because it's such a tragic event.

"He does the Kelty Coal Race every year so we thought let's do the first one in the Glen - last year - and it took off really well so we just decided to do it every year.

"He’s a massive part of it, he organises the majority of it and it’s thanks to him that it went ahead."

For the relay, both Angi and Martin took a team, with everyone carrying up to 50kg of coal on their back. 

An incredible £2,000 was raised, with Sophia-Rose's mum, dad and brothers, Nathan and Keiron, all choosing a charity to benefit from a £500 donation.

The beneficiaries were Held in our Hearts, who provide peer support and counselling for those affected by baby loss, Andy’s Man Club, Richmond Hope, who offer support and bereavement counselling to children, and Mollys Memory, who provide siblings memory boxes to children whose baby sister or brother has died. 

But the most important thing for Angi and her family wasn't the money, it was raising awareness and keeping their daughter's legacy alive. 

She continued: "When you have a child that people have never met or have memories of, there is a worry that they'll be forgotten. By having the Sophia-Rose Coal Relay, it allows her memory and legacy to continue.

"It’s important to continue the memory of Sophia and get to talk about her and it be normal, it’s our normal."

An even split of 12 men and 12 women took part, with a separate kids relay and a raffle. A great time was had by all and Sophia-Rose's brothers got stuck in to the challenge. 

Angi added: "Everybody had a good time, nobody complained and then we had a raffle, it was really good.  

"My stepson who is 13, got the star of the show because he decided to join in the adult relay so he carried 25 kilos around the whole adult relay too, he did absolutely fantastic.  

"Nathan, our other son, who is eight, carried the kid's coal bag a dozen times around the adult route, he just kept on going. He wasn’t even out of puff! He only stopped because the raffle was starting so he had a good time too."

Due to this year's success, people are already asking Angi to hold another relay next year, and she is happy to oblige. 

A date has been pencilled in for Sunday, July 27 2025.