THE new 30mph speed limit on the A907 road through Gowkhall - which residents have requested for years - is now in operation.

It's been lowered from 40mph and a Fife Council notice said the road traffic order became operational yesterday (Thursday).

The move was backed by councillors on the South and West Fife area committee in December although they did voice concerns that the process may be delayed by a "serial complainer".

At that time, local councillor Sam Steele had said: "If memory serves me correct I think this was one of the very first issues that myself and Cllr (Graeme) Downie had residents contact us about after the council elections in 2022.

"So it's been rumbling on. I think it's going to be especially beneficial given the new 20mph limit that's coming into Carnock.

"Let's just hope our serial complainer doesn't put a delay on it!"

Locals have repeatedly complained about the speed of traffic on the road through the village, as well as inappropriate overtaking.

They also raised concerns about the safety of children and older people having to cross the road to get to and from the bus stop.

A speed survey carried out in December 2022 showed that, on an "average day", 500 out of 6,771 vehicles were travelling at 51mph or higher.