VISITORS from Japan, America, Canada and Australia were all in the crowd at this year's Inverkeithing Highland Games. 

Event organisers were delighted to see the tourists among the flock of spectators at Ballast Bank on Saturday, enjoying the dancing and piping performances, as well as the numerous heavyweight events.

Frank Coyle, the games' director and track convener, told the Press: "The games went extremely well, there was a decent crowd and the games were good.

"The sprints were good, the cycling was exciting and there were about twice as many heavyweight competitors as normal."

The large increase in competitors came after the addition of a ladies and a junior heavyweight competition at the games. 

And the dancing was more popular than expected, with performances running on on the day. 

Frank added: "The highlight for the crowds would have been the heavyweights for the largest caber, but having said that, there was a big crowd around the dancing.

"There was a huge number of foreign visitors surrounding the solo piping, they seemed very interested in the young pipers playing complicated numbers solo and being judged on them.

"We think by the number of tourists that were there, we suspect that a number of them came off the cruise ships, but we can’t tell that for certain.  

"There were visitors from Japan, there was a lot of visitors from America and Canada and we had some from Australia.

"There was a number of others, and we didn’t know the language that they were speaking but we suspect that they were from Eastern Europe."