ANTISOCIAL behaviour in Aberdour has been highlighted after human faeces was found throughout the village - and in residents' back gardens.

The "disgusting" and "intimidating" acts of antisocial behaviour are said to be "really affecting" the community after toddlers have been going out to play and coming back covered in human waste.

Local councillor Sarah Neal has slammed the behaviour, believing that "it's not always innocent mistakes".

She told the Press: "It's just disgusting. Again we're aware that there isn't a toilet at Black Sands - the toilet just up the road at Shore Road Park is out of order - so some people find themselves in emergencies, but there are such things as poo bags."

Human faeces has been found at Black Sands Beach, behind the tennis club and in residents' gardens, with public urination evident at the changing hut for sea swimmers.

Cllr Neal continued: "The main issue is using people's gardens. Families are getting up and the toddlers are going out into their back garden and coming back covered [in human faeces] because people have been using their garden as a toilet.

"At the beach day, we had two little girls who had made a sandcastle at Black Sands and they went into the reeds to pick some grass to decorate it. There was human faeces there and they were covered in it. It's a big issue for the community."

She also highlighted issues with public intoxication, with youths smashing and throwing bottles at people, adding: "It's feeling a bit intimidating.

"I'm very loathe to tar all young people with the same brush but there is definitely antisocial behaviour going on here and it is really affecting the community."

Mike Collins, Fife Council safer communities lead officer, said: "Anti-social behaviour of any kind is unacceptable and a blight on our communities.

"We have patrols in the area, and I'd encourage anyone with concerns about this kind of behaviour to report it to Police Scotland via 101"