A DUNFERMLINE-based theatre group are set to bring a new piece to life for its premier performance next year. 

The Dunfermline Gilbert and Sullivan Society (DGASS) have revealed that they will be performing, for the first time ever, 'The Jury's Out'. 

DGASS publicity manager, Clare White, told the Press: "We are terribly excited as it is a new piece called 'The Jury's Out'  by Linda D Milne with music arranged by William Campbell.

"The society is delighted and honoured to have been entrusted with this piece by Linda. Linda has performed extensively in Fife, with a number of musical groups including Kingdom Singers as well as both the Dunfermline and Kirkcaldy Gilbert and Sullivan societies.

"This is a new direction for Linda and Dunfermline Gilbert and Sullivan society is honoured to be entrusted with this innovative and exciting new piece for its premier performance.

"We are hoping that it will attract both those who are familiar with Gilbert and Sullivan operettas and those who are less so."

Set over two acts, the play has been created using the much loved lyrics and music of Gilbert and Sullivan, brought into a modern setting.

The first act includes music from The Sorcerer, Patience, Ruddigore, HMS Pinafore, The Gondoliers, and The Mikado as it tells the story of sweetheart lovers Sally and Richard who seem destined for a happy ever after ending before ending up in court. 

Honorary president of DGASS, Frances McCafferty, will also make an appearance in this performance which is set to take to the stage in February of 2025.