RESIDENTS of Kelty are being asked how they would spend £15,000 to improve the former coal mining village.

The money has been set aside from Fife Council's local community planning budget for the area.  

Community groups, voluntary organisations and social enterprises that receive less than £10,000 a year will soon be able to apply for the cash, with residents then voting for the project that they would like the funds to go to. 

A spokesperson said: "Residents are being asked to come up with ideas for projects to improve the local community.  

"It could be an environmental or physical improvement, a community event, a project to raise public awareness or something which makes people feel safer - as long as it brings improvement."

Applications for groups open on August 26. Applicants must be able to deliver "genuine added value" to the area and must not replace services that should be or are being, provided through mainstream budgets.

Individuals, groups or organisations who already receive over £10,000 a year in Fife Council funding or statutory organisations are not eligible to apply unless they are working in partnership with a group of local people.

Applications will close on September 16 with a Kelty Decides voting event taking place on September 30 at the Kelty Community Centre from 4pm to 6pm. 

An information session on how you can apply will take place at the centre on Monday, August 26.

For more information, visit the Our Fife website