A man was repeatedly punched during an assault in Dunfermline and had a tooth knocked out.

The culprit was 32-year-old Gary Rankine, of Canon Lynch Court, Dunfermline, who has been jailed.

He appeared for sentencing at Dunfermline Sheriff Court and admitted that on 26th October at Alexandra Street, he assaulted a man by repeatedly punching him on the head and body to his injury.

Depute fiscal Brogan Moffat said the victim was walking alone when he saw Rankine with a female coming towards him.

Rankine asked the man for money and he replied that he did not have any.

This led to a physical confrontation and the man was punched to the body twice and once to the face.

Police recovered CCTV which showed the assault.

Defence solicitor Stephen Morrison said his client was “using cocaine heavily at that time” and knew the man from prison.

He conceded that: “His attitude requires considerable adjusting.”

Sheriff Susan Duff told Rankine: “You’ve demonstrated no remorse and you’ve said you don’t want to do unpaid work.”

She jailed him for 35 weeks.