A DUNFERMLINE teenager took to the skies at the weekend and raised over £2,000 in memory of his best friend.

Ryan Quinn was just 11 when his best friend, Aaron Murphy, passed away after a battle with cancer in May 2019.

On Saturday, he remembered his pal by doing the daring tandem skydive from a height of 14,000 feet to raise money for Team Jak, a charity which offered support to family and friends of Aaron before and after his death.

Having travelled to the Lake District for the fundraiser, Ryan, 16, was delighted that the weather conditions allowed him to carry out the feat.

READ MORE: Dunfermline teenager to fly high in memory of his best pal

"The first few days down there, the weather was quite horrendous and on the Saturday it was not too nice in the morning but as the day went on, it cleared up," he explained.

Ryan Quinn during his fundraising skydive.Ryan Quinn during his fundraising skydive. (Image: Contributed)

"It was all very last minute. In the end, I had about two and a half hours notice before I did it."

Being for a cause so close to his heart, Ryan admitted it was an emotional occasion.

"I felt quite emotional when I was sitting getting ready to go up and then when I landed I got a bit upset but I raised over £2,000 so I am very pleased with that," he added.

Ryan Quinn as he jumps out the plane for his fundraising skydive.Ryan Quinn as he jumps out the plane for his fundraising skydive. (Image: Contributed)

"It wasn't scary at all. It think peaceful is a good word to describe it. When I was in the plane and looking out the windows, you could see all the lakes and all the way to Blackpool. It was a very peaceful feeling."

Anyone wanting to boost Ryan's fundraising total can do so here.