A GROUP of Aberdour residents have called for help after an 'escalation' in anti-social behaviour in the village.

A total of 180 locals have now signed an open letter - sent to local MP Melanie Ward, MSP Annabelle Ewing and local councillors - highlighting a string of troubling incidents since the turn of the year.

It states: "Aberdour is a popular destination, particularly during the summer months, with both Silver Sands and Black Sands drawing many visitors. However, we have experienced increasing issues with anti-social behaviour over the past few years.

"In 2024, these incidents have notably escalated in both number and severity, causing us significant concern.

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"While we understand that Aberdour is not the only village facing such challenges, and we do not wish to discourage anyone from enjoying our village, the situation has reached a point where we require your assistance in finding a solution.

"An immediate step might be to increase police presence during the summer months. We are of course happy and willing to participate in any discussions with authorities to help resolve this issue."

The list of incidents included an attack on a girl at the railway station, property damage at the harbour, a girl sustaining a head injury after excessive alcohol consumption, and vandalism to a bench and the toilets at Shore Road Play Park.

In July, the letter says there were several incidents at Black Sands where large groups of teenagers (up to 40-50) engaged in drinking alcohol, taking drugs, swearing, fighting in front of young families, urinating and defecating in gardens and intimidating families at the beach.

A group of teenagers also behaved anti-socially at an Aberdour Festival event on Black Sands while, on the same day, approximately 30 teenagers were moved on by police after damaging and breaking parts of the Shore Road Play Park.

The letter continued: "Similar serious incidents have occurred in previous years, usually at Silver Sands. Teenagers appear to have been encouraged to congregate at Black Sands as an attractive alternative with only one access point.

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"These events have secondary effects, such as increased littering around the village, particularly on the beaches where teenagers leave cans, bottles, broken glass, vapes, food waste, etc.

"This raises safety concerns for the wider public, especially children playing on beaches where drug or alcohol-related paraphernalia can be found.

"Anti-social behaviour will become less common when schools reopen later in August. However, planning should start soon to avoid a repeat of such incidents in the summer of 2025."

The new MP for the area, Ms Ward, said: “Anti-social behaviour is never acceptable. Residents in Aberdour should not have to put up with this, and I will soon be meeting with some of those most affected.

“It is clear that properly coordinated action by relevant authorities, including the police, is needed to tackle this problem and stop a recurrence, especially in the summer when Aberdour and its beaches are at their busiest. I am working with them to support a resolution to this matter.”

Inspector Cheryl Young said they tend to see a rise in anti-social behaviour during the summer and work closely with partners in education and safer communities to plan ahead with school visits and increased patrols.

“Our officers aim to positively engage with young people when they are on patrol, reminding them of the consequences of anti-social behaviour and other criminality," she said.

"We would also urge parents to support our efforts and ensure they are aware of their children’s activities and movements over the holidays.

“We will continue to engage with our partners to determine any further measures which could be taken to tackle anti-social behaviour in the area.

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“We are following positive lines of enquiry in relation to a number of incidents including a wilful fire-raising near to the golf clubhouse and would encourage anyone with information or concerns to contact Police Scotland on 101.”

Community council chairperson Iain Fleming said the issues would be discussed at their meeting on September 4.

"It is a challenge every year," he said. "We are looking at it. The councillors are aware and actively trying to address it."